Saturday 5 October 2013

Christmas Puddings and update

All about Christmas Puddings in the cookery department at the moment. I have used a vacuum sealer to create the packaging and keep the puds air tight till Christmas. At the market everyone that tasted it bought one. Off to a car boot tomorrow to get rid of the rest. I now have the packaging to post. Doing a test post to a kind volunteer so that I can check they post ok if they do then I will be offering these puddings via post. Watch this space if you fancy a tasty xmas pud this year.

Animal update - the baby chicks and ducks are looking more like adults. The chickens have started to lay more yippee. They all come running when I go into the field which is brilliant. 

Pigs are being pigs -  with the rain we have had parts of their pen are puddles but they seem to like it. 

Went to Boscastle food festival today and watched a demonstration on herbal remedies which was really interesting and the other was a basket making demonstration. Research is needed as to the type of willow I have - hope its suitable to make baskets as i plan to have a go at learning to make a basket.

1 comment:

  1. Simple delicious Christmas puddings, as always. Rich and fruity. Thanks, Katie
