Monday 28 April 2014

a day on the smallholding

Monday, A full day on the smallholding

The lambs are all out in the main field during the day as I have ran electric fence round the perimeter and back in their little pen at night. They are all doing well a bit cautious about going to the bottom of the field or moving away from their pen but I am sure in a few days they will be as the grass is better at the bottom of the field. Managed to develop a technique to bottle feed 6 lambs all at the same time!!! Takes some doing and involves sitting in a chair to wedge bottles in certain positions!!

I have a chicken that loves to jump out the chicken coop during the day and run around the field with the lambs. She never leaves the field and always comes back and wants to go back in the chicken coop at feeding time.

After blowing out the middle of the eggs (a skill i learned from good old google) and replacing the centre with mustard and cayenne pepper I have managed to stop the egg eating chickens in their tracks!!

Chicks and ducklings doing fine running round their little pen.

Managed to strim round the perimeter fence and tidy up the front garden today and picked up a job to strim my new neighbours bank too.  More seeds went in and Tomatoes potted on. Potatoes earthed up. just waiting till the ground frost that is forcast for the end of the week to pass then I can get planting the rest of the seeds. Going to ache tomorrow

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