Sad news out of 5 lambs born 2 have survived been a tough few days. Consensus of opinion mother sheep didn't have the colostrum and milk needed by a new born lamb. I managed to keep them a live for a short time but new born lambs recovering from hypothermia and dehydration was always a long shot. Hard to discover too as you see lambs sucking on mum you presuming they are getting milk! Long thoughts could I have done anything different on talking to experienced sheep farmers I did all I could its just farming.
Pigs also gone to abattoir at same time. Empty feeling as always day after I am so glad however as I know the food I am eating the animals had a great life. They also had the longest life possible. I will remember this batch as pigs as sheep pigs!
I wont be increasing my sheep flock this year. I will learn that if you put dead lambs outside at a weekend so you can call for them to be picked up the fox will have them,
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