Sunday, 7 August 2016

Blackberry and Nettle Revenge

Its that time of year when you will probably find my head in a blackberry bush with pink fingers that resemble a pin cushion. This year I am sure the blackberries and Nettles have teamed up in retaliation for cutting them both down at the start of the year oh and yes not to mention turning them into jam and Chutney and not only eating but selling them!! That said its going to be a great crop 4kg from the first harvest!!

Unfortunately I have run out of jars and bottles (what can I say its been a busier week then expected for preserve sales!! ) so what a shame part of the first batch will just have to be turned into wine and the second part Blackberry and Apple crumbles and other blackberry related products for me to enjoy! If you are reading this and enjoy my produce don't worry the first harvest was from only a 1/4 of my bushes. There will be plenty for Jams, Jellies and Sauces for my lovely customers to enjoy.

The kittens enjoyed supervising the blackberry picking proceedings. Um wonder if I can train them to pick em. I doubt it too busy playing!!.

Chicks are doing well but sad to say mother hen has gone!! Not sure how or when so its up to Dad to protect the chicks. No way in or way out of the enclose for foxes. Praying its not the dam Pole cat! Cant do honesty box for eggs this year as the pole cat keeps stealing the eggs and eating them!!

Pigs are growing well and sheep and lambs doing fine. Bees are very busy cant wait for honey. So all in all typical smallholding life!!

had a sudden thought will have to start making xmas puddings to sell!! That time already!!

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