Friday 25 November 2016

Sheep dogs or sheep pigs

Pigs have been in big field due to their pen being flooded. Today I found one of my pigs rounding up the sheep. Not sure what her plans were when she rounded them up. 

Pigs back in a new dry pen happily making themselves comfy. Near miss for me the tripped in the mud. The title of the blog could have been a mud facial!  

Tuesday 22 November 2016


Pigs and chickens at risk. Pigs running big field as their pen too flooded and need to sort. The pigs fine running big field. On welfare check this evening they came to greet and stood in line for a stroke. Chickens floorboards used to cover the wet ground from latest storms and avoid foot rot. 

Sunday 20 November 2016

Willow weaving

Today I did a spot of willow weaving two rings for Xmas. 

And I attempted an angel only 6foot tall. 
Angel not finished but might make a good garden feature for peas to grow up. 

Friday 11 November 2016

War against slugs

The war against slugs has began. I have sent in my army of Nemotodes let battle commence!!
My winter veg seedlings is growing nicely in the worm castings in the polytunnel. very little weeds thankfully. Hopefully after the army do there work very little slugs.

War against blackberries taking over veg patch continues on going saga but gets easier each year. Plans for more raised beds in my head. By next spring will all be in place. Fingers and toes crossed.

Lambs are all double tagged approx 3 months before they legally have to be so all good. Question is are the ewes pregnant from the weedyish looking ram you ever did see. He would need step ladders and scaffolding!! If not I think I may have a plan!

Sheep and lambs all doing well. Pigs are funny they can hear me feed the chickens in the morning and become very vocal. I think they are wondering why the chickens get fed before them. The baby chicks doing well still in the nursery as they are not big enough to go in main pen as they can get through the wire fence and that would be far too tempting for the kittens!

Friday 28 October 2016

Raised beds - the beauty of recycling!

I have just created raised beds for next years growing. They cost me nothing as the wood came from kind neighbours.  Just got to put the corner posts in and all sorted. Next job black plastic down over winter and hopefully next year a delivery of compost and jobs a good one.

This years herb bed looking good will be able to expand it next year.

Strawberries doing well in their new home. Got to taste the wild strawberries in their today delicious.

The animals are all doing well.

wrong side of the fence

baby chicks and mum growing well

The truffle waiting for her grub no sign of brother ninja

Thursday 27 October 2016

Tagging sheep

spent today tagging sheep. my tame sheep ok with this only took an hour. the lambs not a chance however have help before their tagging due

Friday 7 October 2016

Defra Visit - all very positive

Defra do a yearly random survey to prove the uk is Brucellosis free in sheep. Guess what they choose my smallholding. They came today with blood sample kits at the ready.

Got this sheep rounding up to a fine art with my lot! Well today anyway. They were very well behaved defra did the samples. Checked all the paperwork and sheep movement documents as accurate and legal.

A welcomed lesson in tagging sheep and an equally welcomed present of a holding register (which appears easy to use and I can use as a reminder of what I got when and where etc) later and job done


It really did feel good to be told by defra Animal health team I am doing a good job with my animals.
Its been hard work and a learning curve and still learning but that was great creditable confirmation.

Saturday 17 September 2016

Chick number three born today

Got home to the birth of chick number three. Other two had managed to escape and where chirping away outside chicken house with mum chirping didn't sound good. Managed to move mums nest with chicks and eggs to the nursery enclosure give mum a better chance of keeping an eye on the older two whilst hatching the rest. All seem alot happier xx

Thursday 15 September 2016

New birth today

Today two chicks hatched with mum. Took these whilst mum nipped off nest to eat. She's back on top of them keeping them warm. 

Sunday 7 August 2016

Blackberry and Nettle Revenge

Its that time of year when you will probably find my head in a blackberry bush with pink fingers that resemble a pin cushion. This year I am sure the blackberries and Nettles have teamed up in retaliation for cutting them both down at the start of the year oh and yes not to mention turning them into jam and Chutney and not only eating but selling them!! That said its going to be a great crop 4kg from the first harvest!!

Unfortunately I have run out of jars and bottles (what can I say its been a busier week then expected for preserve sales!! ) so what a shame part of the first batch will just have to be turned into wine and the second part Blackberry and Apple crumbles and other blackberry related products for me to enjoy! If you are reading this and enjoy my produce don't worry the first harvest was from only a 1/4 of my bushes. There will be plenty for Jams, Jellies and Sauces for my lovely customers to enjoy.

The kittens enjoyed supervising the blackberry picking proceedings. Um wonder if I can train them to pick em. I doubt it too busy playing!!.

Chicks are doing well but sad to say mother hen has gone!! Not sure how or when so its up to Dad to protect the chicks. No way in or way out of the enclose for foxes. Praying its not the dam Pole cat! Cant do honesty box for eggs this year as the pole cat keeps stealing the eggs and eating them!!

Pigs are growing well and sheep and lambs doing fine. Bees are very busy cant wait for honey. So all in all typical smallholding life!!

had a sudden thought will have to start making xmas puddings to sell!! That time already!!

Sunday 31 July 2016

Summer is here

Been a busy July down on the small holding. I will start with the orphan Chick! Well hatched under her mum at the very last stage got stuck in her shell so mum abandoned her. I helped her out of her shell and tried to introduce mum to chick mum rejected her. So I kept her in the shed with another chick a bit older that unfortunately died. She just was not happy in the shed on her own. So in a big bird cage she came in the house where she got background noise. Tried a few times to get her with the others who tried to beat her up. Today She has her own pen in the chicken enclosure so they can get used to her without beating her up. Mum and the other chicks are out with the other chickens. Mum has seen off all the other chickens from going anywhere near the chicks!!

A few pics of the orphan and her growing up!!

And finally where she belongs with other chickens. Barrier will be removed once the others get used to her.

 and then the other hens!
Below mum and her three babies

Talking about babies then there was the kittens!!

Ninja what a hunter he is becoming - It started with Mice then moved up to birds (grr) then moles and the latest was a rabbit!!

Moving on to the rest of the flock

Pigs are growing bacon or breeding now that is the question. Run out of home grown bacon and visitors for xmas might save breeding till next year!!

The bees are doing well and
Last but not least the sheep

Kts Kitchen - Homemade Tasty food is going well. The latest is Lemon Ketchup. I made a homemade salmon egg fried rice and added a couple of tablespoons all I can say is wow!

 Into the 4th year of this smallholding aim to know where food comes from and as self sufficient as possible - Still loving the life xx

Friday 1 July 2016

War against slugs

All this wet weather and mild winter creating more and more slugs. Polytunnel and veg bed desimated by slugs!! 

The war is on first battle 
collect all slugs I can find in polytunnel all 200 of them!! 
Second have just had great delight feeding all 200 to the ducks and chickens!! 
Spread waste from making real coffee on veg patch! 
Slug pellets not effective! Next move bring on the nemotoads!! 

I will win this war against slugs!!! 

Thursday 23 June 2016

Sheep shearing

 The sheep have been sheared. Looking good happy again. Learning experience heading sheep. 

How much fleece do I have! 

Looking forward to some time to spin pick, and dye!