Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Update on the farm

I have bought cows to add to our heard of cows. 

Sheep have a month to go before lambing. Our friends sheep who live here are in our shed they due in 10 days! 

Raised beds all ready for winter to leave us. Polytunnel not moved and won’t till later in year so veg plants popping up all over house! In between the house plants! 

Ducks and chickens haven’t stopped laying so loads of eggs! 

Too cold to go takings pics loads more to add. 

Friday, 15 January 2021

Saturday, 9 January 2021


Cows doing well. 

The sheep have been scanned in pregnancy 182%. Not bad aim is 200%. However more singles then trebles so fingers crossed reduction in orphans. Ewe lambs doing well. 

Xmas and new year lovely. Still covid around so now in lockdown