Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Down on the acres

Well the ducklings have moved into the nursery pen which is in the poly tunnel. 

The sheep and lambs looking healthy

The pigs well they called Houdini 


The ducks and chickens all well

Vegetables starting to be ready

And still time to relax!!

Thursday, 16 May 2019

Tranquil moments

All very tranquil down on the acres

Pigs and ducks sunbathing, cockerel  enjoying his wood pile, hens mud bathing and sheep happy munching. Human sat with cuppa of tea relaxing after sowing seeds and digging beds. Here’s some latest pics 

Monday, 6 May 2019

Kts acres

Enjoyed the animals today down on the acres. I was weeding the veg plot. 

Pigs are less shy enjoying their feed

The sheep still loving their new gaff. So funny watching lambs bounding about. 

The chickens and Ducks getting on well.  The chicken below is so friendly. 

The ducklings are delinquents ! 

Friday, 3 May 2019

Project pigs

Well had flu but with help of friends project pig still went ahead. Delayed slightly. Friends helped again with sheep movement to new field.frustration that couldn’t do it. But glad it’s done..  Flu now gone Overwhelmed though with help I recived. So love my friends.