Monday, 17 December 2018

Fruit bushes

Down on kts acres fruit bushes planted. 

Blueberry, red current, black currant, white current, gooseberry, raspberries to complement the strawberries and rhubarb! 

2 sheep behaving. Cockerel being lazy, duck needs ladies and hens have stopped laying. All slowing down on the acres. The ewes enjoying the 18-30,s hol

Sunday, 2 December 2018

Animal shy down on the acres

Ewes still on 18-30s vacation with ram. Today was sad abtoir day for three lambs. Abbtoir day never gets easier but have remember why I am doing this. I know my lambs have had a happy mischievous life down on the field. 

Only 2 lambs on my field a duck and 4 chickens. 4 Ewes will be back for winter. Less to feed and look after till spring. Looking forward to spring and pigs! 

Fruit bushes ordered so nearly all set to start all over again next spring!