Monday, 22 October 2018

Riding a sheep

Lesson to ones self. Never put chicken feed down infront of you in a sheep field. After a night shift I wasn’t thinking. 

I put feed down in front of me. sheep spotted it and went between legs to get it. She Walked forward she lifted my legs off ground I was stuck on her back for minutes. 

Luckily she headed toward water Butt so I could get off. It would have been hilarious footage!! 

Friday, 19 October 2018

Sheep burglars

Poly tunnel door took a battering from storm but also a sheep attack. Big hole where my sheep got in 

Fixed it today as well as fixing chicken house that sheep wrecked climbing in it. Them lambs think they are chickens now.?

Friday, 12 October 2018


Bit windy and  wet down at field. Used my new homemade hat whisk did a good job!!

The polytunnel taking a battering fingers cross the door holds out. Good job polytunnel well needed in or think it would have took off. 

My 1,000 litre I can water tank next to polytunnel nice and full. 

Sheep not to impressed they hiding in pig arc and chickens and ducks just hiding in coup.