Tuesday, 18 September 2018


Home grown roast chicken for tea tonight. Sorry to my vegetarian friends but the cockerels has a lovely life. 

I spent today learning how to dispatch correctly I was very nervous of hurting the birds. I then plucked and dressed 3 birds. 

All part of knowing where your food comes from. 

Monday, 17 September 2018

Blantant naughtyness

The sheep - grr escaped from neighbours field. A kind neighbour opened my gate and left it open. By time I got there all of them in the sheep shelter in my field I closed gate. Since which they jumped back in with chickens and decided to have a rest! Didn’t even wait till I left field!! 

Have one poorly chicken too. She was on her back I picked her up she seems ok but weak. Separated her so hoping a bit of isolation will do the job. Need to move young cockrels. 

Other decision is I have offer of a ram when do I want to lamb? And what to do with lambs as they too young to go with ram!! Decisions decisions! 

Sunday, 9 September 2018

Return of the chillies

After the sheep eating veg the chilli plants recovered. Wow my mouth is on fire they are hot!!

Saturday, 8 September 2018

Sheep on holiday

Next door farm at field very kindly have asked me to graze my sheep in their field. They need lawn mower. With weather and failure of my grass. It was an offer I could not refuse. Sheep are loving their holiday home.