Sunday, 29 April 2018

All lambed out

I have finished lambing

Look at the difference in size a month old lambs to new lamb. Can’t wait for some lamb antics. I can see mischief and mayhem! 

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Kts acres more lambs

In four years of lambing I actually got to see these two born. These pics taken within minutes of there arrive. Very quick birth no bedding down by ewe they almost just fell out. 


This made up for yesterday when a lamb was born and so flat. I didn’t realise the skills I had. It couldn’t stand do anything so I had to take the lamb away from mum not something I like to do but it wasn’t going to survive. Took it home put tube into mouth to stomach and tube fed colostrum. Glad I had that waiting just incase. Anyway 24hrs later lamb still weak but now bottle feeding and holding its own weight. Still not standing bless. 

So only one to lamb

The growing plot now coming on 

Chickens creating dust baths 

So all going well down at the smallholding. 

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Kts acres

All is well no more lambs yet but I don’t need to worry till 6th may. Ram was in with ladies for two cycles. 

I was a bit worried re my bees as sheep knocked them over in minus temp. However had to inspect hive today as it was all screw Wiff. The bees were all there carrying out their business. Phew! 

Strawberries planted

New herb bed

Seeds in poly tunnel sprouting. 

2 lambs very healthy mumdoing excellent job. 

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Lambs doing well

My two little lambs doing well. Still only got two not sure what’s going on with the other three ewes! Had a lovely day on kts acres this am. Sorted naughty sheeps escape route, planted in the poly tunnel yippee and planted more seeds in the polytunnel. 

Saturday, 7 April 2018


Cockerel flying at me knocking feed bucket out of my hand! 

Gobby abandoned lambs to explore the polytunnel. Funny looking vegetable! 

Lambs trying to commit suicide trying to get to mum. Mum had snuck through electric fence whilst I turned it off to feed chickens. Lambs just got tangled!! So rescuing lambs order of the day!! 

No more lambs yet! Think my girls told ram they had headache or washing their hair or something! 

Had to fix wire to bottom of gate stop little lambs getting out!! 

All in the rain off course!