Friday, 28 October 2016

Raised beds - the beauty of recycling!

I have just created raised beds for next years growing. They cost me nothing as the wood came from kind neighbours.  Just got to put the corner posts in and all sorted. Next job black plastic down over winter and hopefully next year a delivery of compost and jobs a good one.

This years herb bed looking good will be able to expand it next year.

Strawberries doing well in their new home. Got to taste the wild strawberries in their today delicious.

The animals are all doing well.

wrong side of the fence

baby chicks and mum growing well

The truffle waiting for her grub no sign of brother ninja

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Tagging sheep

spent today tagging sheep. my tame sheep ok with this only took an hour. the lambs not a chance however have help before their tagging due

Friday, 7 October 2016

Defra Visit - all very positive

Defra do a yearly random survey to prove the uk is Brucellosis free in sheep. Guess what they choose my smallholding. They came today with blood sample kits at the ready.

Got this sheep rounding up to a fine art with my lot! Well today anyway. They were very well behaved defra did the samples. Checked all the paperwork and sheep movement documents as accurate and legal.

A welcomed lesson in tagging sheep and an equally welcomed present of a holding register (which appears easy to use and I can use as a reminder of what I got when and where etc) later and job done


It really did feel good to be told by defra Animal health team I am doing a good job with my animals.
Its been hard work and a learning curve and still learning but that was great creditable confirmation.