Wednesday, 27 April 2016

One busy springtime!

Mother sheep seems like a fab mum. Really taking care of lambs. Been fun watching the lambs leap about. Tails docked today and male castration. It didn't seem to hurt. Reduces risk of fly strike if tails are docked. Simple procedure of a rubber ring round tail within first week of life. Within 10 days part of tail will fall off. 

Built a field shelter for mum and babies which mum seems to be using at night. And sheep shed cleaned and ready incase needed it for still ?pregnant sheep. Still awaiting to see if big sheep is pregnant or too well fed! 

Pigs have grown and seem very happy. One of them had an argument with a sheep through the electric fence. A few chosen snorts and Barrs. 

Chickens are now behaving unfortunately a cockerel got out into next doors garden and the dog caught him. Unfortunately he didn't make it. No distress and appeared superficial wounds. Ducks and chickens since then are behaving. 

In middle of all that still managing to create secret garden into a growing space. Beds ready for planting just wait for this cold spell to clear. Polytunnel j brimming with plants. Ate radish today. 

Ninja and truffle doing well growing and mischief making. Two young chicks doing well too. So in the main doing quite well down on the smallholding. 

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Amos was here.........................................

Well got home this evening to find two little healthy lambs. My first born Lambs. What a lovely greeting. Thanks Amos for jumping the fence.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

More new arrivals born today

I was greeted with these two sweeties this am first two chickens of the year on the smallholding.
Not the best of pictures as taken under their heater didn't want them getting cold just for a picture. Will get better ones when they are a bit older.

The rest of the gang on the smallholding. First I will mention the antics of the Kittens who have grown. The Chicks caused a stir I think the Kittens thought I got them live food to play with!!  No Kittens you cant play with the chicks who are now safely away from young hunters.

Heres Ninja  - Certainly a character loves the outdoors. I discovered what happens if you try to get in the pig enclosure when the electric fence is on. I doubt he will try that again. He jumped about 2 foot and then ran to the house for safety. Checked him out and after a bit of fuss he was fine. He is a charmer has an instant purr when you stroke him.

The more gentle Truffle - Loves to wash Ninja and doesn't go out as much. She likes a fuss on her terms and never far behind Ninja.

I just seen a chicken coming towards me!!

The new arrivals the pigs they are staying where I put them which is good. They aren't quite sure of me yet in the process of bribing them with food. They are starting to recognise I bring food!! Very cute and mischievous.

The daft sheep living life to the full

This daft sheep below gets so excited

Then there are the poultry.

All men together. Who is boss Cockerel or Drake!!

The ladies getting a look in

Mr Cockerel with his ladies

I have decided that my Ducks and Chickens are all posers!!

The Poly tunnel is next. Decided to take a photograph of the temp so can compare next year!

Lettuces looking good. Started the war against slugs early Fingers crossed the leaves look this good in a few days, weeks

Monday, 11 April 2016

New arrivals on the smallholding - Pigs

Well they arrived

A few lessons in the electric fence and escape a chase a catch and they piglets are all in their new home!! I forgot just how fast a pig can run!!