Yesterday I moved the Chickens and Ducks with the help of a friend. Of course it rained. First job was erecting the fence and then the houses. The Houses stuck in mud and awkward push and pulled a bit then decided to no use. They would have to come apart. Realising this would be good idea to get the houses through a gateway to there new home.
Picking up the duckhouse and the two moles that have been busy digging up the vegetable patch busy making their home where sat there. Never seen a live mole before now they soon vanished into their run under ground.
After losing a couple of screws to the chicken house and having a spare piece of wood. Not sure why both of them happen I guess its like sock Fairy.
Catching the chickens now that was a drama. It took bribery and corruption, a net for some and others just went in their house to get out the rain. The last one escape no chance of catching so left a hen house in the middle of the field for the night to be able to catch him. No luck more climbing and clambering and finally at 2000 he had gone to sleep in a tree so caught. Dripping with water, clothes stuck to skin, wet feet and covered in mud headed to the shower!!
Now they are in their new digs and are loving it more shelter and a fresh bit of worm, slugs and snails hunting ground for them. Stardust has investigated the new digs this morning. I don't half feel stiff today!! Oh well more xmas puds to make today so better crack on.