Thursday, 1 October 2015

Mischeiovous Sheep

Got home this evening to Mischievous sheep. They were running and jumping around the field head butting each other  as me. Hitting me on the leg with their feet. Cheeky sheep I wish I had my camera to film them! Will have to take some photographs for this blog of them. They are looking very healthy.

The ducks and chickens are doing well I have a big fat hen!! They all look very neat and tidy.

Been foraging the field for various fruits made some more xmas puddings with Bude Brewery Ale in and chutney and experimenting with marmalade. No farmers market now on a Friday till next easter feels strange not making for the market. Bude Food assembley is on all year round with my products and Cornish craftiness has my products too.

Poly tunnel is empty just about awaiting a new one kindly lent by a friend cant wait!!