Saturday, 28 February 2015

Tough Love

Today has been all about lambs.

Tlc and tough love was the order of the day.You will drink your milk and you will use your legs little lambs!!

Yesterday all 4 lambs where lying about all weak. Spent the day supporting the lambs to stand and getting them to walk.. All four as you can see are weight bearing and walking.

Tonight just been in to lamb shed and bless three of them got up unaided and walked the 4th when helped was walking unaided.  Two will only take milk is made too. Them Nursing skills arent going to waste!!

Friday, 27 February 2015

Its being to look a lot like springtime - More new life on the smallholding

The new arrival Chickens and Cockeral all seem to be getting on well. Cant wait for eggs!

Today I have also taken in 4 lambs that are struggling to thrive with the other lambs on the farm they came from getting all the milk. Going to try some intensive hand rearing to see if we can get them thriving again. Some hard work and dedication starts now -  Heres hoping!!

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Settling in

Well the 5 chickens this am at dawn didnt want to come out their house. Not surprised it was foggy and cold. Went to look at them later in day to fine one chicken flew the coup found her in the field and put her back ( Ifeel she going to be the mischievous one!! Since then found them all in the duck house. At bed time found them all in the duck house asleep cuddled up. Bless they going to be fine!!

Cant wait for the eggs i feel morang is going to be first on the list to make

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

New Chickens

Today I spent the day reinforcing the chicken coup and putting up an extra fence around the electric fence.

I now have 5 new chickens. A White Sussex Cockeral and female.  I also got three others. No photos yet as giving them chance to get settled. Photos hopefully tomorrow.

I have really missed not having any for a few weeks. Now looking forward to a gang again.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Getting ready for spring

Its been a bit quite on the old smallholding - I am sure calm before the storm. There are lambs about in the hamlet and I am sure soon will be orphans about anytime soon.

I have just reserved 4 chickens from a local poultry farm so as soon as there is a break in the weather get the new chicken coup up and running and get more chickens.

Project smoker/Pizza Oven is making slow progress. A very kind local came with angle grinder and took the lid off  the oil drum that was kindly donated by a local farmer. Next stage is to get a chimney attached. I am using all recycled parts for this oven which was inspired by an oven by steffi.

Potatoes need ordering so I can chit them and polytunnel lid needs putting back on and some digging then we are raring to go for spring.

willow needs cutting so I can finish making hanging baskets. I am pleased with the latest willow basket I made it is actually more round rather then oval. The more I do the better they are getting. Good job I have loads of willow to practice on!!

Tuesday, 17 February 2015


AS the trees change here are some signs as to what the tree might be

Sunday, 8 February 2015

excitement as back bone of winter ends

As the days go longer and the weather starts to improve. Time to start with plans for 2015. Time to think about seeds and next years food.

Also time to think orphan lambs and having a place for them ready as if I remember last year you dont get much notice!!

The two lambs I have are getting to be too friendly. if i ask for names on the blog you know they will have turned pets. They keep pulling at my heart strings. No they are going to be dinner still. One murs and one bahs. They are so happy little sheep. Still not very big. They munch their way through hay kindly donated from Pencuke farm.

Its lovely to see all the birds on the feeders and Buzzard on the fence. The crashing waves of the sea on windy days. Today though was a beautiful calm day with lovely blue sky. Oh i do feel privileged to have a rural lifestyle.

Roll on spring where there will be new life

clearing the plot

clearing blackberries from the smallholding. Ongoing problems. its hard work and thorny but eveytime i do it the blackberries are getting thinner. the hedge that was originally put on the smallholding is back to being a natural hedge and not one strangled by the blackberry. The secret garden is clearer this year then last so making progress.

The two sheep left are doing ok.