Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Sheep and goodbye 2014

Winters with us frosty mornings. Ice to be cleared from animal water troughs and duck pond in a morning. Today was a lovely morning for working on the smallholding. Not too cold and not too windy. Managed to get a lot of digging done for the vegetables I am planning this year. Spot of tidying that was well over due.

I also took the opportunity to photograph my first lot of orphan lambs now they are older. I think I have done a good job at raising the lambs. As i was gardening I reflected on the year. 

What a year its been there been highs theres been lows theres been success and their has been failure. One of the worse was loosing Francis the Drake to the fox. After 6 years of breeding him it was sad. There are only two ducks left and 8 chickens left after fox attacks. Time to rethink chicken and duck pen to reduce the chances.

2 more pigs raised bless them uprooting and helping dig next years veg patch before they ended up in the freezer.

I have met some lovely people this year who I hope will be friends for some time. With the help of them and family all in all its been a lovely year. 

I cant wait for 2015 lets hope its going to be a good one. Happy New Year all the best in 2015  


Sunday, 28 December 2014

Breaking ice - cold but lovely

What a lovely day cold had to break the ice in the animal water troughs- fence half built - that should stop those sheep and any future sheep from escaping. It was a lovely day to be on the smallholding working.

Nine sheep happily munching in the field, ducks and chickens after having to prize the door open happily waddling around.

Stardust keeping us all in order and playing happily in the field - mousing one suspects.

Thursday, 25 December 2014

2nd xmas

well i have managed a second xmas here on the smallholding. Now low on animals sheep going in Jan. Plans for next year - yes I have some. Onwards and upwards one hopes.

Friday, 19 December 2014

Thankyou pigs

This is a tribute to my last pigs. I picked up my pork today from Evergreen Farm who kindly took them to slaughter and butchered them for me. I only took half a pig for myself this time. Too costly for me to have them vac pac just so I can sell. The aim was to know where my meat comes from and pay for it with the other pigs.

I got a mixture of cubbed pork, bacon and a few little joints. I had my first tasting at lunc time very yummy. Thankyou ladies for your pork. You had a great life and you can tell with the meat.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

negleted blog

Sheep - Doing fine nibbling away the weather with their woolly coats doesnt seem to bother them.

Ducks and Chickens - The fox has taken a few of them even with electric fence so going to have to consider the fos proofing a little more.

Bees - Busy Hibernating

SO december has been about selling my sauces, spices and preserves. Having my stuff in wroes in Bude in the pop up shop all december has been a good showcase so heres hoping the new business will pick up and go from strenght to strenght. I am liking that people love my product and come back for more.