I also took the opportunity to photograph my first lot of orphan lambs now they are older. I think I have done a good job at raising the lambs. As i was gardening I reflected on the year.
What a year its been there been highs theres been lows theres been success and their has been failure. One of the worse was loosing Francis the Drake to the fox. After 6 years of breeding him it was sad. There are only two ducks left and 8 chickens left after fox attacks. Time to rethink chicken and duck pen to reduce the chances.
2 more pigs raised bless them uprooting and helping dig next years veg patch before they ended up in the freezer.
I have met some lovely people this year who I hope will be friends for some time. With the help of them and family all in all its been a lovely year.
I cant wait for 2015 lets hope its going to be a good one. Happy New Year all the best in 2015