Well last two days Chickens and Ducks have had a treat. They have been free ranging in the lambs 3 acre field. Its fenced and then inside that electric fenced so pretty safe. I have been working on the veg plot which is in the next field so able to keep my eye. At the end of day i shake the chickens and ducks food and they all come running back to the safety of their electric netted coop.
It was interesting though the first time i opened up the fence the lambs needed to inspect the chicken coop and the ducks and chickens needed to investigate the lambs shelter!! Nosey animals scared of missing anything. Its rather amusing to see the chickens run up to the lambs!! they all seem to get on fine. Lambs are very interested in playing with the chickens. Got to say chickens are faster then lambs!!
Lady stardust what can I say - she just loves it all. She now has no problem with sheep or cows but she is scared (or cant be arsed with) of ducks and chickens - they make too much noise- even the babies!!
Bady ducks and chicks coming along - some lovely coloured chicks hoping they are female!
Veg plot well my kind neighbours- aswell as what i am growing i know have tomatillos, celeriac and more basil. My tomatoes well they have just gone mad and have loads of flowers. Put the pop up green house up today with ratchet anchors will see how they work if they do then that will be my tomato house for the summer.
I did an experiement in feb and planted outside as i had excess seeds and now I have some carrot which are now showing, I did spinnach and now have spinnach, I did spuds which need earthing up. Also I did garlic and one came up, peas and beans doing well. We have giant pumpkins, kale and cauliflower. seeds out for planting outdoors so plenty to do on the veg patch.
Ramdon plants - i have a cabbage growing in middle of path i must have dropped a seed however where i wanted the cabbages nothing has grown. Thats mother nature for you.
Secret garden i have lost 2 rhubarb plants!! very suspect . flowers on quince, medlar, gooseberry and raspberries!!
So for first year og growing not doing too bad so far fingers crossed,