Tuesday, 30 July 2013

sea fishing

A successful Day - A load of new Avon customers excellent. I then went on a sea fishing trip. had a really good afternoon fishing. Came home with 6 x 4lb pollock and 2 gurney fish, Just eaten the gurney fish they where very delicious. there is defiantly something in this eating fresh fish as soon as your can after it comes out the sea. I put the fish on the work counter stardust jumped up as she could smell fish she then saw the size and didnt quite know what to do with them!! Pollock now in the freezer. Think thats my fish supply sorted fro several months. I also ordered my pig arc and pigs today they are being delivered in just over a week. yipee. I cant forget the bay plant that i have got too. The seal I photographed last time I went to newquay was there waiting on our return. It went to every fishing boat as it came back into harbour obviously knows it will get fed.  One observation  today my mobile phone doesnt have signal in the house. Go sea fishing in the Atlantic ocean and you get full signal. Whats that all about!!

Sunday, 28 July 2013


Today - I learnt how to milk a goat. I went on a goat course about 30 mins away from home. I really enjoyed it and cant wait to get some think will be next spring though as Goat breeders are now taking orders for next years stock.It was really useful not just for goats but the guy taking the course was a smallholder and  picked his brains in more ways then one. Looking into ice cream, butter, milk and fudge from the goats milk.

Friday, 26 July 2013


Yesterday was Launceston agricultural show - market research to see what sells and for what price. Bought some herb plants and two chilli plants always useful for adding flavours to those dishes I plan to make to flog.  I am not sure where buying fudge fell into market research but it was tasty. Ahh perhaps its in case I make some to flog I know what the competition tastes like.  I did run into the local bee group at the show which was ace I was able to introduce myself face to face which is always better then email. Today spent 6 hours cutting the overgrowth to get to the fence. Managed to get half way down one side of the field. yippee starting to look more like a safe animal field, or it will when I get some more fencing sorted. Went to the village flower show and art exhibition with a neighbour meet a few people from the village. This evening however with Cornwall wildlife trust when on a wildlife sea trip. It was ace didn't see any dolphins but saw a sunfish like them as they eat jelly fish.


Wednesday, 24 July 2013


Well today to get a few pennies rolling in I was an Avon lady!. That role is a little different to up North. Of course little villages all over the place. It caused my new area manager a challenge to allocate an area for me. She seems very lovely.  Amusingly her response to where I live "you live in a field in the middle of nowhere according to Avon map". My humorous response "its a hamlet of 7 homes and I take it thats why they have no avon lady :) " Area manager  gave me my 7 homes and rather a large village. That was an interesting concept - none of the properties have road names and sat nav doesnt recognise little village postcodes in cornwall. Also when you get there no road markings. Anyway not one to be put off by a challenge I  have distributed said books to the correct addresses and we will see how that progresses. I also did my first bee inspection of the hive. I thought it was meant to hurt when you got stung it didnt!! I was wearing my suit but they got me through the gloves. I must learn to use the smoker properly!! Oh and it is raining the first rain since I got here and we had a power cut for 5 mins. Good old ipad with live tv and fb, email etc I didnt even notice other then the lights.............And I have a few torches around the house so cant see that a problem! Looks like I am in wellies to fasten the ducks and chickens up tonight!!

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

New Chicken House

The new chicken coop arrived today - I was very surprised it only took an hour to put up. Hooray I have unpacked the last box in my house and I think I am now organised. all my crafting is all organised so can get crafting soon. Baked my first loaf in the aga and very nice it is too and started a sourdough starter.  Planning a spot of sea fishing at the moment. I keep what I catch. Also been joining all the social groups I fancy. Cornwall wildlife trust have some cracking events coming up from watersports in Boscastle harbour, identifying butterflies, fungi walks and nature photography. looking forward to some of these events

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Secret Garden Delights

This am I decided to make a start getting into the secret Garden. I made progress and have rescued blackcurrant bushes full of fruit and raspberry canes. Still a lot to find in there including the fruit trees and edible hedging. So many Blackberries on my plot all flowering at present so lots of blackberry recipes will be called for. Cant wait. I then decided to have a rest and made a brew before strimming enough space in my actual garden to put up my hammock. However I didnt just strim enough space for the Hammock I did the whole garden and found three apple trees. Built the hammock but didn't quite get in it. I decided to start a herb bed instead.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Day of Discovery

Last night as when going to shut the chicken house up for the night I saw deer on my land. Lovely to see shame I didn't have the camera with me. Today I went to poultry auction. I was impressed he had a Cornish accent and talking like an auctioneer so fast you cant hear but I managed to keep up. I got  hatching eggs for my poultry meat futures I also managed to buy a sage plant in the car park for a £1. Worked out the incubator and set temp and humidity so egg now incubator and will hatch in 21 days and 28 days. After that decided to take new car for a spin and ended up in Newquay. I like Newquay Harbor  SSh don't tell the cats but I shared my fish and Chips with a couple of seagulls who made friends with me I am sure it was cupboard love!!  After a walk along to the end of harbour wall there was loads of people jumping off the harbour wall into the sea despite a big sign saying  jumping prohibited as could cause death!!. Anyway as I was there with camera  There was a couple of seals in the harbour who where happy to pose.

Friday, 19 July 2013

Been here a week!!

I am amazed at what I have achieved in a week. Today I finished all the boring change of address stuff. Found out parcel and car would be with me late afternoon. Decided to be a tourist with Camera and visit Tintagel. A lovely little cove 9 miles from my house pictures below. I only wish I had put me swim gear on!! I had to do it I don't usually but I had to buy a hat it was just so hot. The gift shop where I bought the hat, After me saying I haven't a clue which hat the man serving kindly decided for me. His camp words were "I am taking the hat decision away from you or you will be here all day!!" After viewing the sights quick brew with a neighbour who has already met Treacle. After that the time had arrived to pick up the new car (new to me but more suited to future work) 4x4 suzuki grand vitara. Pretty impressed that you can swap it from 4x4 to normal drive to save fuel.  I did keep managing to put windscreen wipers on instead of indicators though!! Think by time I got home I got it right! Kenwood Chef finally arrived so I did a spot of test baking in the aga for my future food ventures. Thought it appropriate to make scones. I have to say very nice specially with a spot of clotted cream and jam. All in the name of research you understand.

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Day 7 - Thursday

I was naughty I made myself scarce from the recycle men this am - I left out soo many boxes for them to take away and they kindly did. Got up to some suspicious diggings around the chicken and ducks. Made a wood and mess floor for the coop that will keep my gang safe from any fox intruders during the night!! Had to wait for the bt engineer for broadband and phone. Had one of those days. Several hours after bt man came i would get internet, parcels not arrived and car not ready and a heatwave!! So the only answer was to go swimming!!  Egg Broader and incubator arrived so time to some eggs for hatching me thinks!! I need some chicken eggs and duck eggs from another source  time to start looking for fowl futures!!

Day 6 - Wednesday 17th July

Wednesday was about strimming, meeting the neighbours, unpacking and working out how to use an aga. A view from my house

Day 5 - Tuesday

Early morning start to collect the bees from a lovely farmer who is on hand to give advice as required he only sold me what I need rather then all this fancy stuff thats on the market. Got home and placed the bees. Realized that as I put the hive down it moved exposing all these bees to me. No I didn't have a bee suit on. Plan was put the hive down and then go get suit on and then take the plug out of their entrance hole and  move back. I didn't get stung and managed to get the hive where it should be and then left them alone for the rest of the day. Had instructions on how to feed them in the evening with 50% syrup/water to get the colony nice and strong for winter as its only half a colony at the moment. So I am now a bee keeper. Picture taken on iphone so not the best


Day 4 - Monday

Monday was spent mostly on the phone changing all my details with the relevant companies etc. Did some more clearing of weeds but  pretty uneventful. Ducks for second night choose the chicken coop for their bed.

Day 3 - sunday

Escapee duck was in the duck and chicken pen. Not sure how as its an electric fence!! Decided to have a lazy Sunday after feeding the ducks. Did a bit of unpacking then had a pint of the real ale and a carvery at the local pub whilst watching the sea and reading the paper. I took my first dip in the sea 2 miles from home. Once the heat died a little did a bit of brush cutting getting rid of the overgrowth. Treacle the tom cat has a friend and still wont come in the house when I am there. I ordered my bees and found that the ducks have decided they want to live at night in the bottom of the chicken coop rather then their shed. Easier for me I just have to shut the door!

Day 2 - Saturday

First Dilemma was filling the duck pond with water. Spend all last night thinking about this. I had found a tap in the field that didn't work. Whilst feeding the ducks this am happened to look up to find another garden tap. Eureka found the water supply! Straight down to garden shop a round 30 mile trip to get a hose pipe. Whilst there did a food shop, got a free-view box clothes and bought a car! I only went for a hose pipe!! However as the shops are such a distance there's no popping out to the less then a mile away Tesco anymore. Car I got is a 4x4 as will need tow bar for pulling animal trailers  Got home filled up the duck pond with water. Cats doing well other then treacle wont come in the house he is sulking but he is around and coming in for food when he thinks I am not looking! Spent a hour chasing a duck round a field as she escaped whilst trying to get her in the duck shed but went into the undergrowth could not get her. Luck was on our side Mr fox didn't get her.  Yippee and the aga works just need to work out oven is for what!!

Day one - Friday 12th July

It began bright and early unpacked whilst i awaited the electric fencing for the Ducks and Chickens which was the main mission of the day. My internet connection on the mobile I had to sit at the garden gate so to speak. after checking email the company providing the electric fence couldn't deliver till after the weekend. Not happy with that in this heat we are getting at the moment I decided to go on an electric fence hunt. Luckily found a supplier 14 miles away. In the process found 24hr supermarket, clothes store and Argos  Anyway saving those stores for future stayed on target and drove home and erected an electric fence. Ducks and Chickens love it in their new pad. Aga um now how does that work!! Landlord sent out a local contractor who fixed the problem very quickly which was brilliant.


11th July 2013 - One really uneventful journey and not much trafic thankfully got the animals of 4 cats, 4 ducks and 5 chickens to the new home safely. After arriving and unpacking some processions and Rob a local farmer cutting the over grown field with his tractor it was time for bed.