Sunday, 29 December 2013

lovely calm winters days

Pigs behaving themselves and staying where they have been put so was able to get on with smallholding jobs today. Started digging over veg bed lovely soil which has been fertilised by the Chickens and ducks. Thanks my poultry friends for that. Blackberry roots are us though!! need digging up. Lots of jobs to do like getting rid of the overgrowth from last couple of years and rescuing the decent plants, thinning out willow, collecting wood to dry out for woodburner, Turning over soil, placing electric fence and general field management so we get the best of the field whilst improving the field for next year.

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Living the dream.......................The best thing ever or a regret??

Another xmas nearly over. A lovely one at that with family love from a far, family at home and some lovely old friends. A time to reflect on the last year. From being in a job with uncertainty and lots of stress to living the dream. Do I regret what I did?? Its had its ups and downs, worries and woes, steep learning curves thats just life. I wake up and look through my bedroom window and feel blessed. As Dave my Step Dad put it  how could I object to that. Great spotted woodpecker to Blue tit to sheep and to cows. Pigs have been a challenge. Chickens and ducks - over run by male ducks. I still have a learning process and stress of killing my first lot of meat! Working for myself is brill but has its stresses and strains,  I got to spend xmas with family, and made loads of friends. Joined a choir and sang in public, something i thought I would never do. I have swam in the sea, Taken the odd photo or two, walked some lovely views, tried to sell goods at market too.  Now would I recommend living your dream???

Absolutely - I will have no regrets when I get old. Lets hope the business makes me a living, Not into making a fortune or being the next lord sugar all I want to do is carry on and pay my simple living. To anyone reading hope you had a great xmas and good luck in the new year. Make 2014 a happy year. If your not living your dream try and make it happen!

Monday, 23 December 2013

Power cut ...............................Prepared or not prepared!!

What a start to the day a power cut! Suddenly realised I wasnt prepared for power cuts. I  couldnt use net to get the number to call for my electricity distributor,  both iphone and home phone  dead despite being plugged in just before bed last night. Must have been down most of the night. I could have a cup of tea though as kettle is aga powered :) Candles and touch battereries quickly added to my shopping list and a mental note charge phones up at different times!!  Power restored horay.

Animals are very soggy but fed, My mission today is to see how many times I can be dry!! Slight storm going on out there. I was going to cut some holly today for xmas day. I think not!!

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Pigs outwitting the human ........................................i dont think so

Well i wish i could say its been fun these last few days!! More a challenge. Everything I tried to stop the pigs escaping but keep them in the large field has failed.  I have to laugh at their determination and intelligence but pigs you wont beat the human. You may have won a couple of battles but you wont win the war. Hehe. Today I have move them  back into the pig netting as fencing doesnt stop them despite getting a shock, they still run through it. So 50m fencing it is then pigs!!
So inbetween the rain showers the pigs have moved, fencing up, water trough inplace, screw down the sty lid , straw in sty and job done. Rain please stop for 30 mins so i can finish the job!!

Then its time to get ready for Christmas and getting some new photographs for this blog.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Soggy Smallhoding

Bit soggy in the smallholding. Despite moving the chickens and ducks! Time of year me thinks. Pigs are naughty keeping them in their pen is a challenge. Shame if I have to go back to a small pen for them but its looking more likely as they dont seem to bother re electric shock they get from current fencing;

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Xmas rush

Well its that time of year been working hard making and creating and selling. Hand made wares from knitted characters to my hand knitted scarves along side my delicious food. I forgot to photograph my scarves before selling them otherwise they would be on the net ( a steep learning curve). They are flying off the stall for a good price as they are beautiful and I have run out of stock. Tomorrow time to head to the smoke to stock up on the special wool to knit them. Have some wool ordered on ebay but you know xmas post need some to sell tuesday. You can guess what I am doing monday evening. Hard work this self employment lark but well worth it.

Friday, 13 December 2013

Friday the 13th - Mayhem

Friday the 13th struck the Smallholding today. I decide to take a stall on Bideford Market and got all my Homemade wares ready to sell. This am I went to feed the Animals as normal and all was fine, fences working and set off to market.

Escapology is the name of the game for the pigs. They decided they wanted a walk think they where going to shops to buy my xmas pressy personally! They got through two fenced fields and into the car park. Thanks to my very kind neighbours who guided them back to their field until I could drive home. I left my stall with some very kind stallholders and raced back to rescue the pigs.

Home to find pigs had knocked over the bee hive!! Put the bee hive back together extended the electric fence to cover the fence that they had escaped from. I  rushed back to market!

Anyway bee inspection done on my return and all seems well in the bee hive fingers crossed. Pigs now under lock and key. All the animals mucked out in bed for the night. Then it started to pour down with rain! Could have been worse could have been raining when rescuing the animals.

So all is now calm and well again in the smallholding land!

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

winter smells

You can tell its cold - you go outside in the country to a bonfire smell had to check house wasnt on fire first time I smelt it then I realised- everyone has woodburners!!

I have just secured a three day market pitch - really looking forward to it. Get myself well known in one place and start building my business further. Networking and getting myself known

The chickens and ducks loving their new home.  The pic below looks a bit crowded but its feeding time they all in same place waiting for food!  They do have at least 50 metres to romp about in

Monday, 9 December 2013

Next stage of the smallholding operation - to plan the veg growing

Busy week with xmas markets and setting up a market in the local town. Today next stage of smallholding. Moved the Ducks and chickens into the big field nice fresh grass for them to play in.

It was an experience I just managed to stop myself going face down in the mud! Ducks escaped when trying to round them up but they never really escaped far and finally worked out where I wanted them. Pigs just watched in amusement. Pigs are just loving their pad.

I am excited now as where the ducks and chickens have been is now a patch of earth. I can see my edible garden in the space. Defiantly recommend this no dig method complete with manure to get through grass and weeds.

Looking forward to turning the soil over and getting stuck in when the season allows.

Sunday, 1 December 2013


Been creative on the smallholding - making xmas decorations. I have a couple of tree ideas to come but these are my first three. 

Friday, 29 November 2013

xmas markets

Its all about xmas markets in the coming month. Book a few so the hard work starts next week. I am at the new Camelford market on weds and then Hengar Manor next weekend. Looking forward to it. So its about creativity, imagination and then plotting and planning for kts kitchen at the moment.

Animals all ok they dont seem to be bothered by the cold

Monday, 25 November 2013

Noise pollution

As I lied in bed this am and last night  i noted the noise pollution - we have cuckoos, owls at night - during the day cows, sheep and  ducks. what a difference to house alarms police, ambulance and fire Sirens.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

water butt - your a saver

So glad I put out a water butt in near the ducks and chickens. The hose pipe that usually keeps the water topped up has been frozen in the mornings.Watering needs to be done in the afternoon. Braking ice so that animals can drink has started and frozen ground!. frozen ground a good thing as dont have to move chickens till next spring yippee. Tonight as the ducks and chickens went to bed heard an owl and a cuckoo.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

flying greenhouses

Well a bit windy on the smallholding today. Greenhouse decided to take off not sure it got permission from air traffic control mind. It flew over the top of the house and landed in the road apparently. The holiday makers in the cottage near by thought it was hilarious!! Thankfully they pinned it down till I got home. Greenhouse back to being tied down in the back garden. Then whilst opening duck roof to check for eggs duck roof flew off - cordless screwdriver and that's safely back on. Freezing cold and wet I think its definitely time for the bath once the ducks and chickens are in bed!

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Winter seems to be here

Well as I throw logs on the woodburner watching the hale and the sleet I think winters here. I am impressed with the local garage who have just changed my brake light bulb for 60p. I couldnt be bothered doing it myself in the cold and wet and I guess now not worth doing it myself for that price.

The cats are stopping in more and more. The chickens well one of my hand reared chickens got out the coup by accident an was trying to escape back into the coup when i got home. Must feed them to well when they are trying to get into the coup! Pigs well one of my pigs knows how to escape and isnt I guess they all have a cushy number at the smallholding!!

Saturday, 16 November 2013

secret garden is no more a secret

Feel really pleased as managed to cut back loads of blackberries and reopen the secret garden. wow there is so much space in there. Its going to make a superb fruit garden next year. going to look round for some more fruit me thinks. Next jobs is design and paths.

Um there has been a fox spotted in the field opposite my house. No foot prints around the chicken and duck pen lets hope it stays like that!!

Heard the barn owl this evening for the first time. Not seen it yet though!!

Also started a new business venue of starting a producers market in a local town so visited a local craft fayre today - might have some stall holders - excellent. Next weeks job to advertise and market the new market. Fingers cross it will be a success.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013


After a lovely day in the lovely city of plymouth, a toll road and a traffic jam i feel pleased to be living where I am. It confirmed I made the right move. Like Plymouth and can see me nipping down to the theatre from time to time and be a visitor but living in a city no thanks for me. So happy, blessed and lucky to be where I want to be. The picture is looking out from the loe. I have had a lovely few days with my Aunt Jane I have enjoyed being a host.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Animal Tracks

I have my Aunt staying at the moment. Yesterday I was showing her round the small holding as the grass has grown up there are some distinctive animal paths across the field. I am interested to know what animals are using my field to get to the other side. I know there are deer in the area um might have to investigate further.

Had a lovely day in boscatle and bude the weather was really great. Here is the view i mentioned on my last blog along with the latest of the ducks, chickens and pigs.

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Autumn colours

 I awoke this am to a lovely view of varying different colours of greens and browns as the leaves change colour and fall off the trees. I am so lucky to have a lovely view of the brow of a hill, sheep and cows. I should have taken a photo of it but my camera was downstairs and i was too busy admiring the view. Maybe tomorrow morning.

Well its getting colder and wetter for the animals out there. Ducks still loving the puddles and the chickens sit on the chicken coop roof. Pigs well they are busy eating nettles to supplement their diet of pig nuts. Whilst the chickens and ducks enjoy the vegetable peelings. Shame you cant give pigs anything that has been in the kitchen so they will have to just put up with nettles. Its a hard life for them...........................NOT.

Stardust is still enjoying the aga I wonder if I can teach her to cook!!

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Gigantic hot water bottle

Stardust discovered the aga! She has been in the simmering oven and would have curdled up and gone to sleep if i hadnt stopped her. Her new sleep place is right infront. As you can see she likes her paws to be warm and rests them on the aga itself. Must be getting cold

Monday, 4 November 2013

Autumn is here

What a lovely day today. Very much needed down on the smallholding getting a bit wet in the chicken pen. Might have to move them to a drier spot. Ducks love it mind! Beaks and feet right in the middle of the puddles doing their own foraging me thinks.

Pigs well they are behaving in their new large pen munching through the nettles.

I invited all my neighbours round at the weekend it was lovely to get to know them all. One of them used to keep goats so was very kindly giving me information. The food went down which was well. I cooked one of my 6lb pollocks i caught in my fish kettle. First time I used a fish kettle so easy to use.

Tonight has been about making jellies and tomato sauce. I now have Blackberry and Apple, and first attempt at Quince and Apple Jelly and Medlar and Apple Jelly. Busy cooking and  straining  in muslin bags.

Monday, 28 October 2013

Batten down the hatches

The pigs have now got about an ache of land to roam around in which they have been enjoying for a couple of days. The forcast of a storm last night, the hatches where battened down so to speak and everything tied down or put in shed. After a concerned night and must admit a sleepless night and a dread of a field and animal check this am.

Got out of bed to a blue sky so at least any storm clear up in the dry me thought. First thing i noticed as i approached the animals field was the pigs where with the chicken coops. The pigs were actually lined up next to the animal feed shed they had escaped due to debris on their fence but instead of making a run for it just wanted breakfast!!

Soon sorted my words where pig wigs breakfast and they followed me back to where they belonged. They then happily munched their food before i managed to sort the fence so they wondered down the field and found the woods at the bottom of the field. i decided to finish sorting the fence for their pen. after the pen was sorted i wondered down to the wood they followed me back again to their pen. so well behaved my pigs!! so they are now happily in their massive new pen again. Chickens and ducks wet and soggy pen but not too water logged.

Keep trying to get them mucked out this morning and every time i do the heavens open.

The bees - the main hive with the bees is safe but the spare one was on its side and that was it. I am so glad i did all the dead tree removals over the last few months. I think i have noticed one fallen tree out there but middle of field so no problems there.

Upshot is i dont have much fencing to complete and pigs can have the whole 3 ache field!

After a soggy morning weather i need a 30 min window of no rain to muck out the chickens and ducks please??

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Wellies - Praying I dont slip in the mud in the pig pen

Today after a night of heavy rain. Mud, mud and more mud and loads of puddles. The poor pigs are knee deep in the stuff. Its so slippery when i walk in the pig pen in wellies. I am waiting to fall on my bum in the mud!! I have a frog in my outhouse, I was stood next to my wellies I will need to find it to let it escape.

Some more fencing complete so getting closer to my goal of sheep and goats next spring. 

Chickens still playing musical beds and ducks well trained shout bed as I walk in the field and then go in their duck house!!.

More puddings made today for market tomorrow 

Stardust doesnt like the window or door shut behind her when she goes out. She will have to learn to get used to it as its getting too cold to leave window open. She is a teenager for sure. Jumping on the other cats and me! She is proving to be a good mouse hunter.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Behaving ducks

What can I say - Ducks behaving - I walk in the field at night and shout bed and they go in the duck house!! The thought of a  landing net to catch them obviously doesn't suit them. I am so glad they know if they dont go to bed the consequences are landing net to protect them from the fox.

The little babies - Ducks and Chickens are doing well I must card them to see male or female. Its kinda weird as Francis the drake doesnt like the newbie Ducks but the baby ducks that he has fathered he protects.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Oh its coming on

Well Autumn is here and i tried out the underfloor heating - wow lovely to walk on warm floor. Stardust is fast asleep on the warmed floor - i guess that says it all. That cat is ruined - she wont go out if its wet or cold!!  However other cats just wont go out so she does better than them. I need to start throwing cats outside. Not literally.

Well market today was good. I cant wait to make a fortune at market but  will settle to paying the old bills. I can claim to have regular customers now. I also decided to cook soup and Ratatouille on the stall today. Cant get fresher then that and it worked so I think fresh soup and a savoury dish along side my puddings at Holsworthy market. Which means cookery demonstration every week!

Ducks and Chickens doing well - Chickens laying again, hink its time ducks laid again

Pigs are just been pigs

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Smallholding ................To live the dream: fresh water or puddle

Smallholding ................To live the dream: fresh water or puddle: The puddle was created by me emptying the duck pond and filling it with fresh water. Did the duck go and play in the fresh water?............

fresh water or puddle

The puddle was created by me emptying the duck pond and filling it with fresh water. Did the duck go and play in the fresh water?....................Did they hell they went for the puddle!

Productive day on the smallholding today. Started by accepting my straw delivery very early and the usual feeding. Built a 50 meter fence, Strimmed for a few hours, and cleared a large area and moved the compost heap. Nothing like pushing air into the compost heap by moving it.

Pigs got a treat as i needed to fence at the side of their pen i had to move the pen slightly so they got to eat loads of nettles. With their new top quality straw the pigs had a god day.

I also fixed my gates they now close properly!

Ducks gave me the run around at bed time. Its amazing how get the landing net out and let them see it they soon go to bed!!

Came home cooked my supper and here i am! Give me an hour and I will be giving it zzzzzzzz's

Friday, 11 October 2013

Clean trousers and pigs!!

No chance of that happening!! They are lovely but they mowed their electric fence down today by throwing mud at it. They didnt go anywhere and stayed in their pen. All sorted they are back to a fence pen. Ducks and chickens still bomb across the field to meet me when they see me coming. Its such a delight when they do it. Going to have to do a bit of carding the baby chicks this weekend. um cockerel or hen. do I get chicken for the pot (the boys) or egg layers (the girls). I am keeping one cockerel.

Straw delivery tomorrow - 6 months worth. yipee i dont have to put straw in my car which is a nightmare to clean.

Autumn is here the leaves are falling off the trees slowly and the weather is cooling. Cats reluctant to go out.
Playing with my dehydrator to dry foods out to store them and making christmas cakes and puddings for sale.

Worked out a postage system so can post xmas puddings and xmas cakes and have some orders so busy times to come.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Naughty Pigs

I am sure pigs have a bet on! Can we make the human owner fall in the mud? They are trying their hardest to leg me over. two new Ducks after two nights of having to use the landing net to get ducks to bed now respond to "ducks bed"

new banner

well i have collected my new banner and I am liking it.

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Christmas Puddings and update

All about Christmas Puddings in the cookery department at the moment. I have used a vacuum sealer to create the packaging and keep the puds air tight till Christmas. At the market everyone that tasted it bought one. Off to a car boot tomorrow to get rid of the rest. I now have the packaging to post. Doing a test post to a kind volunteer so that I can check they post ok if they do then I will be offering these puddings via post. Watch this space if you fancy a tasty xmas pud this year.

Animal update - the baby chicks and ducks are looking more like adults. The chickens have started to lay more yippee. They all come running when I go into the field which is brilliant. 

Pigs are being pigs -  with the rain we have had parts of their pen are puddles but they seem to like it. 

Went to Boscastle food festival today and watched a demonstration on herbal remedies which was really interesting and the other was a basket making demonstration. Research is needed as to the type of willow I have - hope its suitable to make baskets as i plan to have a go at learning to make a basket.

Monday, 30 September 2013


All i can see every time I go into the field is 9 ducks an 18 chickens charging towards me. Its a lovely site they are all think I come with food I am sure! Pigs well they are just being pigs digging stuff up. defo using their current space for veg next year save me digging loads.

The weekend was spent staring apple and blackberry jelly and doing research at the cornwall food festival. lovely food just had to buy some goodies.

I also started a little nursing job part time in a Nursing home and I am really enjoying it. It fits really well with my smallholding.

Another couple of puddings I am adding to the menu this week at market. My dehydrator arrived I have been reading about dehydrating if I do it now then will have to get up in middle of night so will have to wait till tomorrow afternoon. Tuesday is always a busy day fresh cooking for weds market.

Friday, 27 September 2013

Musical beds

Well I have put the baby ducks and chickens in a coop, ducks in a coop and adult chickens in another. Last two nights one of my adult hens has taken to sleeping with the babies. Just been in the coop to put them to bed and the babies are all cuddled round her! Aww so sweet.

Pigs well they chucked loads of grass and earth on their electric fence and buried it. You would think they would have legged it!  No they wouldn't go past the line where the fence should have been and where still in their pen. All sorted now.

Market stall went well this week puddings and soup. I am investing in a dehydrator as i have an idea for market but keeping it under my hat for now. Christmas pudding making time this weekend!

Monday, 23 September 2013

The start of Autumn

Looking at chutney recipes!!

Pigs are very intelligent and clean I have noticed. When they want there bedding changed they throw out the old stuff from their sty! Makes mucking out a lot easier as don't have to climb in the sty as much. However they choose Sunday of all days to do this. I think I need to get them a calendar! Getting straw on a Sunday in Bude not an easy task. Nor was getting vegetable suet for my Xmas cake and Xmas puddings! Straw sorted for pigs now, Veg suet sorted so Thursday/Friday is Xmas cake and Xmas pudding baking day.

Escapee chicken has settled back into the flock no signs of waiting to escape again even when I was doing the routine chicken muck out with wheelbarrow. Must be the KT charm.........nah just food and warmth of living in a coop me thinks.

Greenhouse plants really thriving but still a sauna in there so I am not surprised. Looking like a few jobs of potting on happening. Um better sorted some more compost out.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Smallholding ................To live the dream: Mincemeat for xmas

Smallholding ................To live the dream: Mincemeat for xmas: Made the mincemeat for xmas Another market under my belt. Soup went down a treat. Specially the beetroot! I had people coming back for...

Return of the Chicken

Caught with a landing net after coaxing with food and all before 9am. Wing clipped and she flew on the chicken coop. Lets hope she stays in the coop this time as I have folded up the landing net.Cost of landing net and her she better start laying some eggs!!  

Friday, 20 September 2013

Mincemeat for xmas

Made the mincemeat for xmas

Another market under my belt. Soup went down a treat. Specially the beetroot! I had people coming back for second helpings and paying. Pudding going down well. Had some Custard tart left that wont keep. Neighbors got a treat.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Chicken and Duck Future

Today the babies (ducks and chickens) joined the gang. I took away the Nursery pen, Clipped their wings and let them. loose in the big coop. They loved it, no problems with electric fence, a couple of pecking order issues but no real aggression.

My catering venture is causing an egg problem - I keep running out this is all good news for the babies as it means I will have to keep them to produce eggs rather then them ending in my cooking pot. However if there is more then one cockerel or cockerel doesn't get on with Francis the drake, aggressive or upsets the neighbours they might still be in the pot.

The escapee is now living very close to the rest of the chickens. Still in a tree but not running off as quick so hopefully I can lull her into a false sense of security and catch her soon. 

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Dick Dastardly

Still in the roll of Dick Dastardly - Stop that Chicken now. 

The Landing net failed to close to trees and chicken see me coming in the field and makes a run for the trees. I have started going in the field with food and leaving her to eat it. Getting her to associate me going in to the field with food then I might get closer to atch her with the net. Nine days she has lasted in the tree got to be worth a try!!

Cooking day today for market tomorrow lets see what goodies I can come up with!!

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Coming on nicely!

Well the weather is changing as summer ends. Still its 5 degree warmer here then up North where I used to live.

Managed to pot up my plants in the sauna I mean greenhouse. lovely and warm in there nearly had to strip off.  These plant experiments as to what will grow in there as the temperature changes seem to all be germinating and growing.

Still picking blackberries and hacking down blackberries and rescuing trees. Found sloe or Damson bush not sure which but going to try damson/sloe vodka. Todays job is to store apples that arent bruised by wrapping them in paper and shoving them in the shed.

Animal updates
Pigs - doing rather well they are so funny and entertaining to watch. They have broken their food bowl completely and when it rains have a complete mud bath in part of their pen but they seem happy enough.

Chickens - I still have an escapee chicken living in a tree. Tried to catch her every day with various methods. Tried food no luck, tried a net cant get close enough, Tried leaving cat carrier out with food no luck there either. last resort i have ordered a landing net so lets hop I can catch her with that.

Baby ducks and chickens - The Baby chickens now fully feathered have their own coop outside with the old coop pen attached so they have a run whilst they get a bit bigger. I think at the moment they could get through the electric netting if it wasn't on of course. The baby ducks have joined them too in the daytime and shed at night.

Ducks - The two new ducks are certainly part of the flock now. They all spend their time running round after Francis the Drake.

Cats - Toffee is still beating Stardust in the mouse duties - Toffee wonders where her performance related pay/food is. If that where the case Trifle wouldn't get fed!! lazy cat.

Market stall stock
Been cooking and tasting ideas for next weeks market stalls. I have nearly  decided the menu. I have invested in some cold food containers for easy carrying.

Honesty box - Eggs sales are slow due to the current molting of chickens situation so less eggs but I have sold my blackberry and apple crumbles.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

First Market Day as a Trader

Well after a late night of cooking and getting everything ready. I was up at 6am fed the animals, Brekkie and loading up. I arrived at the market and was immediately made welcome by the market manager and stall holders. One stall holder even swapped a crumble for veg which was excellent. I look forward to trying a white courgette.

All the stall holders throughout the day came for a nosy at the new girl and offered their very welcomed advice. Despite what the market traders classed as a quite day I did ok for my first market it gave me a good start.  I sold crumble and quiche after forgetting the soup and leaving it at home!! I still did well. After chatting to customers a lady used to do soup and left and its missed so soup angle is good specially as it gets colder. Also people loved the good old fashion pudding which appears to be well missed so crumbles went down really well.

My best customers for crumble was a 14 year old who doesnt normally eat fruit - sampled and said thats really nice. Her mum in a state of shock bought her a crumble and was even more shocked to watch her eat it. Another was a four year old. Parents bought crumble and watched the child eat it and then say yum. Excellent as there is nothing more honest then a child.

The market in Hollsworthy has some very loyal customers if the customers like your food they will come back. Glad I went for fresh, seasonal tasty homemade food.

Monday, 9 September 2013

River Cottage Experience

Sunday I went to the River Cottage Autumn Fair.

What a lovely atmosphere and lovely place. After an hour an half journey and walk from the car park I was welcomed by the breakfast stand bacon and black pudding roll and a cup of tea.

I then listened to John Wrights mushroom talk which was very interesting.

After that I joined the book signing queue and met Hugh

Hugh seem a really genuine person.

After returning from River Cottage I came back to an escapee Chicken. Unable to catch her as she kept flying in the tree I thought she may come home at bedtime but no she didnt. This morning I couldn't see her so presumed the fox would have got her but no she was in the field this afternoon. Next door kindly came round with a net but we still couldn't catch her today due to her kept retreating back into the tree. Food hasn't worked either. Hoping she gets hungry and comes back the rest of the flock. 

Today managed to get 38lb of apples from one tree and 7lb off another. made blackberry whisky and made progress with the homemade blackberry wine. Fingers crossed Chicken decides to come back to her flock.

Saturday, 7 September 2013

new arrivals

To solve my no egg situation i purchased 4 new chickens at holsworthy poultry auction today. The Auctioneer commented on what a good buy which made me smile.

Got them home and have had 4 eggs  - so back to selling eggs tomorrow me thinks. i cleared more of my field today and discovered what could be sloes or damsons. Not on a thorny bush so I believe after asking my friends on backyard and garden farming, smallholding and farmstead they are damsons.

Friday, 6 September 2013

The Rain

I never thought i liked the rain but it makes me do the business stuff that needs to be done. Today has been about updating web site, costing for the two farmers markets I am planning for next week and thoughts towards my menu service for the locals. Costings, profit margins etc all done for farmers market. Time for test cooking. Plan is to get some photos for the web site to advertise the menu service.

With blackberries coming all over the place the main theme for my desserts will be blackberries. I am experimenting making blackberry leathers and dehydrating blackberries. Plans to experiment with dried blackberries to make cereal bars. I have devised a recipe myself but just need dried blackberries to go in it. Bottom of the simmering oven in the aga apparently does it. We will see.

On other notes nearly at the end of the field for clearing dead trees and fencing for the sheep and goats.

Pigs doing really well. They have worked out that when i take the red clip off the fence, the fence isn't electric. They have been watch me at feeding times and then tested it today by touching fence and didn't get a shock. The pig soon realised though after feeding time if it touche the fence it gets a shock.

Chickens and Ducks - still no eggs they are in molt, which they do at their age and can take a couple of months however it looks like a hard molt so hopefully will be over soon. Not sure why two new point of lay are not laying. I have a demand for eggs and no eggs this calls for drastic action i feel a poultry auction coming on in the morning for point of lay chickens and another female aylesbury if possible.

Baby chicks and ducklings - growing and eating loads getting into chick ad duckling mischief.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Nettles revenge

All happening down on the smallholding.

Yesterday I uncovered the alleged wooden swing that was in the secret garden it was covered in about 4ft of blackberries! Not ready for sitting on yet as still has loads of blackberries around it but nearly there!

The holiday makers next door came with deck chairs and sat and watched the ducks and chickens.

We started today with the nettles I have been cutting down having their revenge. Whilst clearing the fence of dead trees I went to pull a dead tree off the fence which came away faster then I was expecting and i fell backward right in to a patch of nettles. Truly not recommended it hurts. However didnt half motivate me to carry on and cut some more nettles down. After carrying on I managed to discover an electric fence system praying it works as it will come very much useful.

Great news - my business plan was signed off by the new enterprise scheme I have signed up to. Great news as I get a business mentor and support till January. Until the business plan was signed off I wasnt allowed to trade other then the test trades - for market research purposes. I now start trading tomorrow - yipee. Loads of ideas now buzzing round my head. Loads of organising so that I can set up at farmers markets and thought as to what I can now sell from my honesty box. Tonight however Cath my neighbour

is coming round I think she will just have to help me celebrate!

Pigs - I have finally screwed down the lid on the sty on the sty so no more sun roof options for the girls .

Chickens - just as I start to trade the ladies start to molt! Guess what during molting the eggs production goes down! That explains the egg production reduction. Nice timing girls!!

Ducklings - The outdoor ducklings are now fully feathered - yipee. We do as suspected have a male and a female. Francis still cant catch the female!!

Ducklings and chicks update - Chicks are now flying on the roof and escaping their pen to explore. Sounding like they will not need the brooder for that much longer.

Todays pics are the pigs getting the hose pipe treatment. They love it when its hot like today.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Food Safety Visit

Just had a visit from the food safety team this am. I have their approval to start trading in what I want to do at present so next step in the journey is to get trading.

Better start to sort labeling, marketing and decide exactly what to make and sell first and which will be my first farmers market. I think the indoor markets look more attractive somehow going into autumn/winter!!

Blackberry wine started last night - Blackberries steeping in water in a wine bucket.
Blackberry and apples where left in muslin bag over a bowl over night to kick the Blackberry and Apple Jelly off. Bottles in the aga sterilizing. Decision will then be if the blackberry and apple jelly is delicious do i send a sample for testing so that I can flog it. umm we will have to wait and see

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Photos of the smallholding

Cath Ford and Eoin Gallagher came to visit - My first Lancashire visitors. They kindly took some brill photos. I thought I would put a few captions of how I read them. I would be interested in your comments for the pics.

The Country look

where is that worm?

I must start charging for my flock to be on facebook

I must strim that weed

Hehe i got her clean trousers with my snout!

can I blame the hair on the wind do you think!

I am not your next meal !! Honest

Them pigs - creating the sun roof effect again!!

I am sure there are two ducklings in here somewhere!!

all boys together

what are you doing?? If I know humans it will be that fb thing again!

we are not letting you out of this pen without you giving us food!

Market Research

Well I did market research today buy making apple and blackberry crumble with homemade ice cream for a neighbors wood carving unveiling. The wood sculptures where absolutely gorgeous so cleverly done. There was about 25 guests who all loved the crumble and ice cream and a quizzed a few who said if that was on offer at farmers markets they would defo buy. So we are getting closer to the catering venture.

Eggs - um i haven't the supply for the demand at the moment. We have guests in the holiday cottage next door who was telling me he was really looking forward to some eggs in the morning specially duck eggs. I hope the ladies lay in the night!! I was all smug this am as had 12 chicken and 12 duck eggs and they have all sold. I mentioned I was short and I only have 3 chicken eggs laid this pm he said I only need two for breakfast so i may be selling two single eggs rather then half a dozen in the morning!!

Saturday, 31 August 2013

Cat and Mouse

Stardust caught her first mouse she got bored of it quickly ran out and caught her second. That will keep them out the animal food store.

Went to my first beekeepers meeting. It was really interesting and have learnt loads. They also laid on food. what a lovely group of people cant wait for the next meeting.